Crowd Testing

Gain Real-World Insight with InnoTech Crowd Testing Services

We provide invaluable insight into your customers' real-life experiences, uncovering defects and usability issues in less time, and preventing them from reaching your end customers. Our crowd testing approach mobilizes real users to trial your products and services, enhancing their quality by identifying bugs and making recommendations for an improved user experience.

  • Why Choose InnoTech Crowd Testing Services?

    With the expertise of InnoTech and Clariter, we bridge the gap between your QA team's limited resources and the complexities of the real world, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your product's performance.

Real-World User Trials

Our crowd testing services offer a unique opportunity to have real users interact with your products. These users come from diverse backgrounds, representing your target audience. By engaging them in trials, we gain invaluable insights into their genuine experiences, ensuring your software performs optimally in real-life scenarios.

Enhanced Defect Detection

With a larger and more diverse pool of testers, our crowd testing approach allows for enhanced defect detection. Our testers bring their own devices, operating systems, and usage patterns, uncovering a wider range of potential issues that may have gone unnoticed in traditional testing methods. This comprehensive defect detection ensures a higher quality end product.

Usability Recommendations

Beyond finding defects, our crowd testers also provide recommendations on improving the user experience. They offer valuable insights into usability challenges and provide suggestions for enhancing the overall user interface and interaction. By incorporating these recommendations, you can create a product that not only functions flawlessly but also delights your customers.

Efficient Time-to-Market

InnoTech's crowd testing services accelerate your time-to-market by identifying and resolving issues earlier in the development process. With a dedicated community of testers, we can conduct simultaneous tests across multiple devices, platforms, and locations. This efficient approach allows you to address issues promptly and launch a polished product to the market faster.

Cost-Effective Solution

Crowd testing offers a cost-effective solution compared to maintaining a large in-house testing team or relying solely on traditional testing methods. By leveraging our crowd testing services, you access a vast network of skilled testers, paying only for the testing resources you need. This scalability ensures optimal resource utilization while keeping your testing costs in check.

Expert Project Management

InnoTech provides expert project management to ensure a seamless crowd testing experience. Our project managers oversee the entire process, coordinating with testers, addressing any issues, and ensuring effective communication between all stakeholders. They are dedicated to delivering high-quality results on time and within budget.

Empower your product with the insights of real users. Partner with InnoTech's crowd testing services and unlock the potential for enhanced quality and user satisfaction. Connect with us now to get started.

Does it work how it's supposed to?

Increase efficiency at lower cost

  • Customers report up to 3x more issues found in 1/3 of the time

  • 30% - 40% cost savings

Improve to market and reduce risks

  • Find bugs faster, correct quicker

  • Increase acceptance rate

Use real environment

  • Innovative approach

  • Use real users in the real world

Tech Testing
This is our approach to Technical Quality as a complement to your QA teams. Get our methodology, our InLab capability (your Lab or ours) and the elastic team extension on demand using our OutLab (our Crowdsourcing) at the right time and with the right skills
UX Testing
This is our approach to Technical Quality as a complement to your QA teams. Get our methodology, our InLab capability (your Lab or ours) and the elastic team extension on demand using our OutLab (our Crowdsourcing) at the right time and with the right skills
Empower your product with the insights of real users. Partner with InnoTech's crowd testing services and unlock the potential for enhanced quality and user satisfaction. Connect with us now to get started.

Solution quality assured by a worldwide community.

10.000 registered users in Portugal and growing!


  • Available, at any time,  for all devices/OS relevant combinations.

  • 25X cheaper to fix bugs before being in production phase


  • High diversity

  • The UX for an app developed in one geography can easily be checked whether it will work in other geographies


  • Use devices as Real users do

  • Decrease Time to Market – large pool of testers available when you need them


  • Highly-qualified & experienced crowd

  • Turn users into real promoters, since they have intensively used your product and services