The Key to Software Development: Extended Development Teams

By InnoTech
August 23, 2024 — IT Consulting
Software development teams

Extended development teams are when an IT consulting partner adds extra members to help a software development team. InnoTech provides a Time and Materials model, perfect for adding dedicated developers to your current software development teams.

What are extended development teams?

An extended development team is a model used in software development where a company’s in-house team is supplemented by additional team members provided by an external development agency. This IT delivery model allows companies to enhance their capabilities and capacity by integrating remote specialists into their existing teams.

Overall, extended development teams offer a strategic way for companies to enhance their software development capabilities by leveraging external talent while maintaining control over their projects.

What are the benefits of having an extended development team?

The extended development team model offers several benefits for organizations looking to enhance their software development capabilities. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Access to Global Talent: Companies can tap into a vast pool of international talent, allowing them to find and hire professionals with the specific skills needed for their projects. This access to diverse expertise can help fill skill gaps and bring innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The model is budget-friendly, as it allows companies to reduce overhead costs associated with full-time employees, such as salaries, benefits, and office space. By hiring from regions with lower labor costs, companies can maintain high-quality development while staying within budget.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Organizations can easily scale their teams up or down based on project requirements. This flexibility enables them to manage resources efficiently and respond quickly to changing project needs without lengthy recruitment processes.
  • Direct Management and Control: Companies maintain direct oversight of the extended team, ensuring alignment with their goals and standards. This control over the workflow and project deliverables facilitates effective project management and integration with in-house teams.
  • Continuous Support and Collaboration: Extended teams provide ongoing support and work collaboratively with in-house teams to achieve common goals. This model fosters a culture of shared responsibility and enhances operational excellence through continuous communication and transparency.
  • Reduced Time-to-Market: By leveraging the extended team model, organizations can accelerate their development processes, allowing for faster product launches and a competitive edge in the market.

What is the difference between a core team and a dedicated development team?

The difference between a core team and a dedicated development team lies in their composition, purpose, and operational dynamics. Here’s a breakdown of these differences:

Core Team

  • Composition and Structure: A core team typically consists of in-house employees who are permanent members of an organization. This team includes essential roles such as project managers, technical experts, business analysts, and other specialists necessary for the project’s lifecycle.
  • Purpose and Focus: The core team is responsible for the ongoing operations and strategic initiatives of the organization. They focus on maintaining and developing the core competencies and projects of the company.
  • Flexibility: While the core team is integral to the organization, it may not have the flexibility to scale quickly in response to changing project demands due to its fixed composition and responsibilities.
  • Control and Communication: The core team operates under the direct control of the organization, ensuring alignment with the company’s goals and culture. Communication is typically more straightforward as team members are often co-located.

Dedicated Development Team

  • Composition and Structure: A dedicated development team is an outsourced group of professionals, including developers, designers, and project managers, who work exclusively on a specific project for a client. This team is assembled based on the project’s unique requirements and can include a diverse set of skills.
  • Purpose and Focus: The primary focus of a dedicated development team is to deliver specific project outcomes. They work exclusively on the client’s project, ensuring complete focus and alignment with the project’s goals.
  • Flexibility: Dedicated teams offer significant flexibility and scalability. They can be adjusted in size and composition according to the project’s evolving needs, allowing for efficient resource management.
  • Control and Communication: While dedicated teams operate independently, they collaborate closely with the client’s core team to ensure project alignment. This model requires effective communication strategies to manage potential challenges such as time zone differences and cultural variances.

    How to assemble an extended development team?

    Assembling an extended development team involves several key steps to ensure that the team effectively complements your in-house capabilities and meets your project needs. Here’s a detailed guide on how to assemble an extended development team:

      1. Understand Project Requirements: Begin by clearly defining your project requirements, including the skills and expertise needed, the scope of the project, and the desired outcomes. This understanding will guide your search for the right team members.
      2. Select a Partner Organization: Research and select a reliable outsourcing, outstaffing, or staff augmentation company that can provide the necessary talent. Consider factors such as the company’s reputation, expertise, and ability to meet your specific needs.
      3. Create a Custom Proposal: Work with the chosen provider to create a custom proposal that outlines the team’s availability, the duration of the partnership, expected costs, and other relevant details. This proposal should align with your project goals and budget.
      4. Conduct Meetings and Negotiations: Schedule meetings with the provider to discuss the nature of the partnership, legal aspects, project duration, and costs. This stage is crucial for forming a clear agreement and understanding between both parties.
      5. Recruitment and Selection: The provider will assist in recruiting the best candidates for your project. Evaluate potential team members based on their experience, technical skills, and cultural fit with your organization. This may involve reviewing CVs and conducting technical and organizational interviews.
      6. Integration with In-House Team: Once selected, integrate the new team members with your in-house team. This involves onboarding processes where the new team gets acquainted with your company culture, project management tools, and workflows. Effective communication channels should be established to ensure seamless collaboration.
      7. Ongoing Management and Feedback: Regularly manage and monitor the extended team to ensure alignment with project goals. Conduct regular check-ins and feedback sessions to address any issues and celebrate successes. This helps in maintaining team cohesion and achieving project milestones.

    Can extended development teams help mitigate common software development challenges?

    Extended development teams can help mitigate common software development challenges in several ways. Dedicated development teams and extended development teams provide a strategic approach to overcoming common software development challenges. They offer specialized skills, scalability, cost savings, and enhanced collaboration.

      • Skill Gaps and Specialized Talent: Extended development teams provide access to highly specialized talent that can fill skill gaps in your existing in-house team. This allows organizations to hire developers with specific expertise needed for their projects. It can be particularly beneficial when the local market lacks the necessary skills or when the project requires niche expertise.
      • Scalability and Flexibility: These teams offer the flexibility to scale up or down based on project demands. They allow businesses to efficiently manage resources without the constraints of traditional hiring processes. This scalability helps organizations adapt to evolving project requirements and manage workloads effectively.
      • Improved Communication and Collaboration: The extended team model encourages open communication and collaboration between remote and in-house team members. With shared access to project documentation and real-time updates, teams can stay aligned and make informed decisions. This leads to a more efficient and cooperative work environment.
      • Long-Term Commitment and Knowledge Retention: Unlike short-term outsourcing, extended development teams are typically geared towards long-term projects. They foster continuity and dedication among team members. This results in better knowledge retention and a deeper understanding of the company’s objectives, which is crucial for seamless collaboration and project success.
      • Time Savings: By cutting down on the recruitment time and expanding hiring options, extended development teams enable organizations to quickly onboard the necessary talent and meet project deadlines more efficiently.
      • Why is InnoTech the best partner for software development?

        InnoTech is considered an excellent partner for software development due to several key factors:

        1. Specialized Skills and Flexibility: InnoTech’s dedicated development teams offer specialized skills and a focused approach to project execution. This allows them to address specific project needs efficiently and adapt to changes as required.
        2. Comprehensive Services: InnoTech provides a wide range of software development services, including custom enterprise software, mobile app development, AI integrations, and API development. This ensures that clients can access all necessary development resources from a single provider, enhancing efficiency and project coherence.
        3. Skilled Talent Pool: The company boasts a team of highly skilled professionals, particularly from recognized STEM universities in Portugal. This ensures that clients receive cutting-edge solutions tailored to their specific requirements.
        4. Collaborative Approach: InnoTech emphasizes a collaborative partnership, working closely with clients to transform their visions into reality. This commitment fosters a strong working relationship, crucial for the success of dedicated development projects.
        5. Agile Methodologies: Utilizing agile development methodologies, InnoTech allows for flexibility and adaptability throughout the project lifecycle. This approach facilitates real-time collaboration and quick adjustments based on client feedback, leading to better outcomes.